Do you have a loved one who is in the LGBTQIA+ community?

Do you love and support them unconditionally?

Unfortunately, not everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community has loved ones who are supportive.

These individuals believe that being anything other than straight or identifying as something other than your assigned gender at birth, is a CHOICE.

So we ask you to think about someone you were/are attracted to.

Were/Are you making a conscious choice to be attracted to them or did it just happen?

So we ask you to think about your own gender and the ways you identify with it.

Is this something that feels natural or are you making a choice to identify in that way?

Love, support, kindness and care cost you nothing.

“Grace costs you nothing.”

Unlearn. Educate. Relearn.

Lead with empathy…act with kindness and love.

#pride #lgbtq #lgbtqia #kindness #support #lovedone #empathy #gracecostsyounothing #love #unlearn #educate #relearn #choice #identify #gender #loveunconditionally #pridemonth #care #compassion #apeoplepartner