Managing employee performance is not a one-time per year commitment!

Stay tuned for a Documenting Performance Training/Workshop that will be offered soon!

Effective performance management requires:

✔ regular check ins

✔ feedback

✔ conversations

✔ goal setting and updates

If you wait until the end of the year or an employee’s anniversary date to have your first performance conversation, then you’re having it too late!

Besides, how will you remember all the good things they did or the areas of development that occurred throughout the year and not just within the last 30-90 days?

During weekly meetings with your employee, you should:

📝 Take notes on progress toward goals

✍️ Write down areas of opportunity discussed

📢 Share and note feedback from other departments or co-workers

🎊 Talk about wins and successes (make notes on these too)

By taking these steps each week, you are helping to compile a comprehensive year-long review of the employee while also ensuring they understand expectations.

Maybe the company should consider 6-month reviews so that some of the information is not stale by the time one year rolls around!

Happy A People Friday!

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