Do you know what equity means and why it’s valuable for every company to implement?

Let’s learn about equity together!

According to Merriam-Webster, equity is “fairness or justice in the way people are treated. Often specifically: freedom from disparities in the way people of different races, genders, etc. are treated.”

Equity impacts everyone in an organization, but can have the greatest benefit for:

✔️ People of Color

✔️ Women

✔️ Individuals with disabilities

✔️ Socioeconomic status

✔️ Veterans


“In 2019, the typical (median) black worker earned 24.4% less per hour than the typical white worker. This is an even larger wage gap than in 1979, when it was 16.4%.” – Economic Policy Institute

“Companies employing an equal number of men and women manage to produce up to 41% higher revenue.” – The Clear Company

“Top quartile companies for racial and ethnic diversity are 36 percent more likely to outperform fourth-quartile companies.” – McKinsey & Company

“When over the age of 25, 68% of white Americans have the necessary education and skills to access most good jobs compared to 39% of Hispanic Americans and 55% of Black Americans.” – National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

“About 60% of respondents in a 2021 Forrester survey claimed the success of their sales team is tied to the diversity of their teams. In fact, 88 percent of top sales organizations have racially or ethnically diverse sales teams.” – Forrester & Built In

“Research by Gartner found that employees who work in an equitable environment perform at a level this is 26 percent higher than those who don’t.” – Insight Global

“Researchers found that job candidates who have ‘distinctively Black names’ have a lower probability of hearing back from companies they applied to in comparison to candidates with ‘distinctively white names’.” – Built In

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