How are you honoring/recognizing your employees during Asian Pacific American Heritage Month? ❓❓❓❓
Your company has the opportunity to ask your employees who fit within this group how they want the company to honor this observance. 🎤🎤🎤🎤
🚫 Don’t assume that you should throw a party or hang a flag.
🚫 Don’t assume that everyone wants food themed around the national observance.
❗️ Ask your Asian Pacific American Heritage employees how you can honor them.
Then take their suggestions and implement them in some way. 📝📝📝📝
And when May is over and the National Observance is no longer happening, keep finding ways to honor them and elevate their voices. 📣📣📣📣
Find ways to recognize them all year. 📅📅📅📅
#asianpacificamericanheritagemonth #nationalobservances #may #askyouremployees #elevatevoices #implement #taketheirsuggestions #honoryouremployees #recognizeyouremployees #party #flag #food #allyear #opportunity #people #employees #apeoplefriday #apeoplepartner