For any company out there working on DEIB initiatives, Alysa Southall 💜❤️💚💙, highly recommends this book. 💯📘💯📘
Deepa Purushothaman shares the experiences of women of color in the workplace, many of which are the first, the few or the only women of color in their organization. 🎤🎤🎤🎤
Deepa and the women she interviews share their experiences of:
🚨 Climbing the corporate ladder
🚨 Delusions that held them back
🚨 Shedding messages that harm them
🚨 Aggressions and inactions against them
🚨 And so much more
What can you do?
✔ Educate yourself on the experiences of women of color in corporate America.
✔ Encourage, or rather require, your leadership teams to read this book.
✔ Recommend that your entire workforce read this book.
✔ Be an ally.
✔ Speak up!
✔ Help them to redefine power in corporate America!
Happy A People Friday!