Do you know what diversity means and why it’s valuable for every company to implement?

Let’s learn about diversity together!

According to Merriam-Webster, diversity is “the condition of having or being composed of different elements especially the inclusion of different races, cultures, etc. in a group or organization.”

Diversity includes:
💡 Thought
✔️ Culture
💭 Perspective
🔢 Age
✔️ Race
👫 Gender
✔️ Sexual orientation
📝 Experience

“Organizations in the top quartile for gender diversity have a +25% likelihood of financially outperforming their peers.” – LinkedIn

“Organizations in the top quartile for ethnic diversity have a +36% likelihood of financial outperformance.” – LinkedIn

“Diverse companies earn 2.5x higher cash flow per employee.” – LinkedIn

“Diverse teams make better decisions 87% of the time.” – LinkedIn

“Companies in the top quartile for both gender and ethnic diversity in executive teams are on average 9 percent more likely to outperform their peers. Meanwhile, those in the bottom quartile for both are 66 percent less likely to outperform financially on average, up from 27 percent in 2020, indicating that lack of diversity may be getting more expensive.” – McKinsey & Company

“Companies with above-average diversity in their management teams reported 19 percentage points higher innovation revenue than those with below-average leadership diversity, with 45% of total revenue versus just 36% of revenue.” – Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

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