We’re coming into the final quarter of the year…

Here are some questions to ask yourself or your company leaders:
❓ Have you helped your employees grow and develop?
❓ Have you met regularly with your direct reports or your employees?
❓ Are your employees on track to meet their professional and business goals?
❓Is your workforce engaged?
❓Is PTO building up?
❓Have your employees taken time off recently?
❓Are your employees experiencing burnout, stress and overwhelm in their role?

🚫 We often do not put our attention on these matters until something adverse comes up, until the employees bring it up or at performance review time.

❌ All of those are too late to be having the conversations.

❗️ Throughout the year, at regular meetings being held with your employees, you should be discussing these items among others.

✔ If you haven’t been having these conversations already…start now!

📑 Then make a plan to do better next year!
